Supernatural Reactions: Angel Heart S10E20

Claire Novak is baaaaack.

Jimmy Novak? Is he back?

This is weird…..what’s going on. A flashback? Ew, what’s the black gunk? Where the hell is Amelia Novak and why is some guy cutting into her and why is glowing stuff coming out of her arm??? Are people trying to use her to find Cas? Maybe she has some leftover grace in her body?

And there’s Claire Novak in another dive bar.

Why is she looking for a Ronnie Cartwright? I know that actor from somewhere. Amelia was looking for a miracle worker to find Cas/Jimmy Novak??

Ooo, that guy slipped up and said “Amelia Novak”. Claire never mentioned Amelia’s last name and he said it! Guh, he just knocked out Claire.

At least, he called an ambulance for her.

Oh, there’s Cas. Is he Claire’s emergency contact?

Does Claire really think that if she told them that she was looking for her mom that they’d leave her alone? Haha, of course, Claire ran away. They should’ve kept an eye on her.

Dean and Cas found Ronnie and Dean is making him talk, lol. Amelia was the last one? Last what? That’s creepy.

What is this Peter Holloway doing, cutting into people? What is he? Aw, they left Ronnie there, now he’s going to warn the Peter Holloway guy.

Oh, now, there goes Claire with her runaway, tough girl act, lol.

Haha, she followed her mom’s diary to find her like the boys followed their father’s diary to find find him. Hahahaha.

Is Ronnie waiting for Peter Holloway? Is he going to die? Ronnie’s gonna die……Yup, he died. The Peter Holloway guy killed him.

Hahaha! Cas got Claire a Grumpy Cat plush as a birthday present from Hot Topic(al), lmao.

Haha, Cas is grounding Claire and Dean in the hotel room, lol.

Hm, where is Dean and Claire going? Hahaha! Mini-golf??? Lol, Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore references.

What is the relation between mini-golf and the red marks on Ronnie’s back….

Ooooo, angel sword. Who has an angel sword? What’s a watcher angel? Why so many different kinds of angels, lol.

I knew it! Why did Sam try to answer a phone call while he’s trying to sneak around a dark house?? You’d have to put down your guard when you answer a phone. Amateur mistake, Sammy! Lol.

Ooo, Dean gave Claire a gun and he’s taking her to Holloway barn. How’s that going to work out…

Huh, why can’t Cas heal Amelia’s cuts? Are they special cuts?

What’s that watcher angel going to do to Sam? His name is Tamiel. So this Tamiel guy feeds off the souls of humans for some reason. When angels are supposed to protect humans….okay, so Tamiel is a rogue angel.

Why do I have a feeling that Amelia is going to die?

Ooo, did Tamiel take Sam somewhere?

How did Sam escape his chair?

Tamiel is going after Claire and Amelia?

I KNEW IT! I knew Amelia would die for Claire! I KNEW Claire was going to get in some sort of danger and Amelia, being a mother, would protect her!

Is Amelia going to rejoin Jimmy in Heaven??? AHHHHHH!!!!

So sad though!

Sam is sending Claire to Jody?

Aw, Dean got Claire Caddyshack and an Enochian book. Is Claire going to after angels now with the angel sword? She should hook up with the other teen hunters.

Pitch Perfect 2

>>>Spoilers, obviously<<<

It was an enjoyable movie. I definitely liked the first one better, but that’s usually expected when it comes to sequels. I did think that this one may have mirrored the first one a bit too much. I mean, in the first one, a girl projectile vomiting like Linda Blair ruined the Bellas and their reputations and they had to work their way back up to win the competition. In this one, Fat Amy flashes the president her crotch and the Bellas are back down again and suspended. So they have to win the world competition to make a comeback. They have a newbie too.

The songs were fun. I like singing along with them. I thought that storyline was a bit predictable. There was a point in the movie where I kept getting annoyed about why couldn’t the Bellas see that they were all gimmicks and not about singing?? Also, did anyone notice how very stereotypically “german” Das Sound Machine was? Lol. The final competition was disappointing though. I was left wondering if that was it. I thought there’d be more competitions around the world, like a tour, I guess.

Overall, it was an okay comedy with a few laughs. Not much to praise about, but it was still fun.

Supernatural Reactions: The Werther Project S10E19

First thing, the title keeps reminding me of the caramel candy (Werthers’ Originals), LMAO.

Oh, dear, Rowena….and Purgatory is coming back. Is Benny coming back? Is that weird Men of Letters deserter Cuthbert Sinclair guy coming back? What will Rowena want in return for helping Sam? AND WHY IS SAM STILL KEEPING THINGS FROM DEAN!!!

What year is this?? Oh, 1973. Why I wonder…

Hey, I have that episode of Looney Tunes that’s playing on the TV. I love Looney Tunes.

The girl is going down to the basement to do laundry. Is something creepy going to go on down there? Why is she breaking down the wall…..Why is there a room that looks deserted? They must’ve known it was there. There’s a window for goodness’ sake. Ooo, it’s a Men of Letters symbol. Glowing smoke light is escaping the chamber…..I don’t think that’s a good sign. The girl is waking up now….Uh oh, can’t find Mom. Something’s wrong……Okkkkaaaayyyyyy, everyone just killed themselves.

Rowena wants to kill Crowley. Sam is agreeing to kill Crowley.

So Rowena’s been after a witch codex in the bunker? Hm.

Don’t trust her, Sam. Dooon’t……These people have an issue between knowing whom to trust and whom not to. Tsk, tsk…

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve seen them kill vamps. That’s nice lol. Dean just took out a whole vamp nest by himself.

Sam’s burning the midnight oil to find the codex. Again, behind Dean’s back. Ooo, old audio tapes from the Men of Letters. HEY!!! The Cuthbert Sinclair guy!! So they keep evil things in the Werther box? I don’t like this Sinclair guy. He finds people’s lives expendable. Martinez was on the right track to shut down the box? By killing himself? Ooo, Sam has an idea? He’s calling up Rowena?? Haha.

Does that girl from the 70s still live in that old house? Yup, she does lmao. I’d do that too if I saw some guy trying to break into my house LOL

Ooo, wonder how Dean knew to come there to St. Louis.

Hahaha Dean covered his junk lol. Dwight Twilley? Where’d he get that name from? Even if a guy claimed to be part of the neighborhood watch, I still wouldn’t let him into my house!

No one goes into the basement? Welp, Sam just did, lol.

So I’m guessing when Suzie’s aunt died, Suzie managed to put the thing back into the box, but now Sam’s reopened it.

Oh crap, Suzie and Dean got engulfed by the thing in the Werther box. Now Suzie sees the ghosts of her family. Why…

Does Dean see hellhounds? Oh, no, he sees Purgatory!!!!

Suzie killed herself and now Sam sees Suzie degrading him for all he’s done. Is she a vengeful ghost or is she a vision from the box?

Haha, Rowena!

So Dean sees Purgatory. Will Benny be there?

HAHA!!! Benny!!! I wonder how well Benny is doing down in the real Purgatory.

You know, the Winchesters should really find a witch who is good enough to bring onto their side. It looks like witches can come in handy.

Benny claims that Purgatory is Dean’s happy place. I don’t think so. The Werther box wouldn’t show Dean his happy place. Don’t listen to that Benny, Dean! He ain’t the really Benny. He’s trying to get you to kill yourself, Dean!!! Don’t listen to him!!!

….though I don’t want it to happen, fake Benny brings up a good point. Dean killing himself, I mean…..But I don’t want to see Dean dieeeeeee D:

Aw, Dean killed fake Benny. Will he go back and find Sam and Rowena???

OH, WOW! Rowena was an illusion!?

So it took both Sam’s blood and Dean’s to open the Werther box.

It opened….What’s inside…..

Another book made of skin?? Honestly! People and their skin books, lol.

Listen to Dean, Sam!!! You’re stronger together than apart!!! Tell Dean, Sam!!! Tell him!!!

HAHA! Sam got witchproof shackles for Rowena! Lol. It’s just like what Crowley did to Kevin! Looking their respective translators up to read a tablet/book.

Do you think that Cuthbert Sinclair guy is really dead? Maybe he’s still alive somewhere. After all, he was pretty good with the magic stuff lol.

Jem and the Holograms Trailer

I never really watched Jem and the Holograms when I was little. I think I mostly watched Care Bears, My Little Pony, and Power Rangers. That being said, I do know enough about Jem to know that this trailer was screwy.

I was out Friday night at the movie theaters to go see Pitch Perfect 2 and was chilling and watching the trailers and previews. This trailer came on and I was like, “Oh, cool, the girl’s name is Jem….is this movie like Hannah Montana or something? It was directed by the same person as that Justin Bieber movie??? What is this? Jem? Synergy??? Is this that 80s cartoon with that pink haired rocker??? WOW! So wrong!”

I literally turned to my friend and said, “They’re making a bastardization of Jem and the Holograms!” Again, I don’t even know the storyline of Jem well, but I know enough to know that it seemed like the only similarities between this movie and the 80s cartoon is the name of some of the characters, the musical world, and Synergy? I don’t even know what Synergy is, but I know that 80s Jem talked to it/her a lot.

I know that a lot of movies nowadays are taking old cartoons and remaking them to fit this day and age, but it’s horrible for two reasons. One, what is wrong with Hollywood these days that they can’t come up with original ideas? Have they grown into complete idiots? Are we in an infinite loop where stories just get repeated over and over again, but with slightly different alteration like bad fan fictions??? And two, if they’re going to remake it, remake it right! I mean, I did enjoy the newest TMNT reincarnation, but I did miss a lot of what the old TMNT movies and cartoons had. The sense of humor. Mikey’s and Raph’s accents. A more plausible origin. *cough* Less Megan Fox. *cough* Lol.


Just SMH, y’all…..

Here’s Black Nerd’s take on it and I pretty much agree with him on all the points lol.

Supernatural Reactions: Book of the Damned S10E18

First things first, do they really think they can trust Metatron? Really????

Ooooo Charlie’s going to come back? I like Charlie. I know a lot of people don’t though. I don’t know why, but to each his own I suppose. I just like seeing more girls in this show.

Ooooo what’s Charlie running from? She’s in a dark warehouse/junkyard-like setting and two creepy guys are after her. One of them has a really weird old compass. Lol, I guess kinda like Jack Sparrow’s? Ooo, Charlie just ganked one guy! Ew, bloody. Who is this guy and what does he want from Charlie’s bag? Did Charlie steal something? Oh! He shot her!! She’s going to run to Dean and Sam, isn’t she.

Lol, Metatron and Cas. I would’ve duck taped Metatron to the passenger seat and duck tape his mouthy mouth shut. By God! He just talks and talks and talks! And his voice is soooo grating! I dunno why his voice bothers me. The actor’s voice didn’t bother me when he was in Psych. Hahaha, see! Even Cas wants to kill Metatron!

Are they STILL keeping Dean out of the loop??? Really??? GUH!

See! Dean is telling Sam stuff! Sam should tell Dean stuff! Two-way street, man!!!!

Hahaha Charlie used floss to stitch her bullet wound. Minty fresh wound, lol. That reminds me of Changing Channels when the guys were in the Grey’s Anatomy parody.

So there’s a Book of the Damned? Will it have a cure for Dean in it??? Will they need Rowena to read and translate it to save Dean??? LMAO!!

Charlie needs to go into hiding. She should know how to hide from witches from her experience with witches from Oz, right? Couldn’t she do something to hide herself and the book with wards or something? Or am I mixing up stuff from Charmed hahaha?

The boys are back in town? Hahaha. They are actually playing that song.

If the Book of the Damned does cure the Mark, Dean wants time off? On a beach? Sounds nice. But from what I remember, Dean and Sam rarely EVER catch a break lol….Thinking about that is actually kinda sad 🙁 These Winchester boys need a SERIOUS vacation BAD!!!

O…M…ME? Seriously, Metatron? So egotistical and arrogant! God! Metatron is talking again. Cas better not be falling for his tricks again!!!! Guh, now some guy in the diner has an angel blade.

A nun wrote the Book of the Damned??? What’s with people using skin to make books??? There are quite a few actual books out there made of skin. Look it up Really freaky stuff. Dean kinda went kooky with the Book of the Damned. Maybe he can read it.

An angry cupid thinks he can take on Cas? I thought cupids were lovey dovey….

Ooo, Metatron saved Cas, lol.

Okay, so the Book of the Damned is in ancient Sumerian code. Greaattt. Heehee Alan Turing reference. The book makes Dean’s heart beat??

What is the maddest thing a man can do? I still don’t trust Metatron. He seriously hid Cas’ grace in a library? Mmm….

The Styne Family. A family of crazy whackidoos who use magic to make money. What douches.

Dark magic always comes with a price. Will this be another thing where one Winchester brother gives up his life for the other and we start this circle of sacrifice all over again? Lol.

Haha, funny that Metatron talks about angels with delusions of grandeur…because that’s him lmfao.

Well, it’s good that Hannah brought order to Heaven.

I don’t know why Metatron questions Cas’ purpose in the future. Maybe he’ll just go around with Dean and Sam killing evil all over the country. Maybe he’ll find his daughter. Who knows? Wherever he is though. He’ll find a purpose.

Aw, crap! SEE! Metatron pulled some sort of enochian sigil spell on Cas! Never trust Metatron!!! Cas should never have left Metatron’s side.

Lol, Charlie wants to marry Scarlett Johansen.

Ah, Sam is reminiscing about Season 1 and Jess. So sad. There is no escape from a hunter’s life, is there?

What two things do you need to succeed in life? Ignorance and confidence? I wonder what Mark Twain meant by that.

AHH!!! The demon tablet!!!! Metatron has the demon tablet!!!
Ooo! Cas’ grace!
What’s the maddest thing a man can do? Let himself die?
WOOOWWWWW, Cas! That was badass! Aw, his wings! Still all torn up.

Oh, no, Dean!! Gank that guy! Gank that guy! He’s not a cashier!! Gank him!!! Haha, smart Dean. Using the mirror.

Are these Styne people the new baddies? Warlocks?

What the hell is that guy???? Took all those bullets to take him down???

Going to destroy the Book of the Damned??? Lol, Sam’s not going to do that. Not after Dean said there’s a cure in there. Oh, wow, Sam actually threw it in. Normal holy oil fire probably won’t destroy it though……or did Sam pull a switcharoo?

Cas seriously couldn’t find Metatron outside of the library after he got back his grace??? I mean, Metatron had a leg injury and was probably limping out of the library! Weird.

Nothing in this show is ever simple, lol.

Haha, carpal tunnel. Haha Cas and Charlie.

Lying to Dean again!!!! Bad boy, Cas!!! Bad!!

Aw, this is so cute. I feel like it’s been a while since the boys have had a group dinner.

God, who is Sam talking to!!!! I KNEW IT!!! Sam pulled a switcharoo!!!! HA and HA!!! Crap, Jacob Styne knew that he switched it.

He’s talking to Crowley, isn’t he…….GAH!!! It’s ROWENA!!!! BAD BAD BAD BAD CHOICE, SAM!!!!! BAAAADDDD!!!!

Though I did call it in a previous paragraph, didn’t I? LOL

I may have been watching this series for so long that I can predict stuff now hahaha.

Ant-Man (2015) Trailer

Whenever I see Paul Rudd, all I can think about is Mike Hannigan from Friends, lol! I know he’s been in plenty of movies and stuff since, but I will always see him as Mike Crapbag Hannigan, hahahaha.

I know people have been saying this is the same old superhero formula over and over again, but I don’t think it can be helped. How many other ways are there to introduce a new superhero? There’s been so many overdone cliches and tropes and themes in the comic books. It’ll show when they’ve all come to the big screen as well.

Anyways, the movie seems entertaining, at the very least. I guess I’m glad that went with Scott Lang. I just really don’t like Hank Pym. Seemed douchey to me. That’s why I never got into reading his stories much. Which is why I never knew that the suit could also control ants? Is that right? What really are Ant-man’s powers?

The train scene at the end with Thomas the Tank Engine was hilarious, lol.

Supergirl Trailer

The first thing that surprised me about this show is that it’s going to be on CBS. I guess I was expecting it to be on the CW because the Flash and Green Arrow were on there as well, but okay. We’ll see how that goes.

That trailer was interesting. It kind of reminded me of Devil Wears Prada a bit because of Ally McBeal being a bitchy boss with an overworked, under-appreciated assistant. That is Ally McBeal, right? Haha. She looks really different.

I wonder what this Supergirl’s origin story is going to be. The only Supergirl experience I have is from the 80s movie and that movie scared little kid me, lol. In that one, Supergirl came from like a small, dark, isolated city somewhere or something. This TV show seems to have Kara escaping from Krypton in a similar fashion as Superman, albeit she’s a bit older.

Overall, this seems kinda like a chick flicky TV series. I’d love to try to watch it, if I had a TV. And the trailer did make it seem like it had a good storyline. I think it will just come down to the writing and whether or not, the actress can play a good Supergirl.

Oh, and I’ve already seen so many comments about how flat-chested she is. Well, humongous, Powergirl boobs aren’t exactly realistically, aerodynamic, are they? Lmao. Grow up.

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens Teaser

My main thoughts about this trailer revolve around questioning what the story plot will be.

)))SPOILERS…a bit(((

I know that it’s Luke Skywalker most likely talking to his kids, but really! Who’s that girl and dude??? Lol. I’m not as well-versed in the Star Wars universe because I’m a Trekkie/trekker, but I thought Luke and Mara got married, Leia and Han got married, and now their kids’ generation goes through a bunch of drama and a Solo kid goes dark side.

Are these new movies going to go through that?

Hmmm…..I’m so curious! Christmas is so faaarrrr awaaaaayyy….

I guess the best part of this teaser was Han Solo and Chewie, of course 🙂

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Trailer 2015

I didn’t get this teaser. Why is Batman so angry? Yeah, I understand that Superman shouldn’t be worshipped because he’s not god, but I wouldn’t be angry enough to want to hurt Superman until he’s done something horrible.

I guess I’ll just have to wait for more trailers to see.

Though that brings up a good point. I LOOOOVE watching trailers, but I’ve noticed that some trailers give waaaaay too much of the movie away. Case and point, the Avengers. A lot of the jokes and quips were already shown in trailers, teasers, and sneak peeks. If you’ve not careful, you might see too much and watching the movie for the first time might be a bit of a let down. Too many spoilers in the trailers nowadays.

I still love trailers though. I just gotta learn to be careful lol.

If you haven’t noticed….I love HISHE lol. BECAUSE I’M BATMAN!

Supernatural Reactions: Inside Man (S10E17)

Ooo, a preview with Bobby in it! Will Bobby be in this episode??? Metatron too?? Where is Cas anyways?

A seance? Are they contacting Bobby??? Omigosh, they are!!!! Omigosh, is that Bobby’s heaven??? Lol!!

Wait what? 24 hours earlier?

Dean’s yelling! What’s wrong??? Oh, Dean’s having a nightmare! Poor dude……..Sam’s hair flowing as he clamors down the hall with his gun cocked is kinda funny though lol.

Hahaha nudie french movie? Lol. Okay, with a movie description like that, it’s obviously fake, Dean, lol. Sam just lied to Dean about going off somewhere to watch a movie. Why must these guys keep lying to each other? You’d think they’d learn by now that it never ends well to keep secrets.

Charlie’s on radio silence? I wonder what happened to her…

What the fudge is Rowena doing painting on herself naked? Haha. Oh my god! Why does Crowley believe his mom so easily??? Gah!

Hahahahaha since Sam is out, is Dean really putting practical pranks all over his stuff? Hahaha, very mature, Dean.

Oh, that’s weird that Hannah is in that dude.

….Ooohhh, so are Sam and Cas planning to break Metatron out of Heaven by using Bobby as an inside man? ……OH MY GOD I forgot that the title of this episode is “Inside Man” hahahahahahaha!!!!

Lol, Dean is at another bar. Ooo, is he going to play pool with the college kids? Hahaha. Those kids are gonna get plaaayyed.

HAHAHAHA an atheist meets Cas the angel lol!!! Sam and Cas go to find a psychic who might have the ability to contact Bobby in heaven.

Hahaha Metatron is a creep ass hobbit fella!! I like this psychic guy. He’s kinda funny lol.

Okay, I kinda feel bad for the college kids who are about to lose their money and one of their dad’s watch.

AHHH! It’s Bobby’s hat! XDDD The psychic asked for a personal item of Bobby’s and Sam still has his hat.

Aw, Dean took that kid’s watch 🙁 …I hope that kid doesn’t go after Dean. That might bring out Dean’s evil Hulk side. On, no! Rowena is at the bar O_O

Haha, I agree with Bobby. I wonder if this show will ever go back to being about chopping up fangs.

Bobby should try to find Ash if he wants to know his way around Heaven. Actually, I’m surprised that Ash, Jo, and/or Ellen haven’t gotten into contact with Bobby. Ash is a smart dude. He should have Heaven all mapped out by now lol.

Yay, Dean stopped himself from killing the kid! What the hell is Rowena doing? Was she trying to kill Dean?….Hm, whatever she did, it didn’t work lol. Is it because of the Mark? Hm….I would tell Rowena to cure them while I had the knife to her throat…then gank her when she was done (she’d be under the impression that I’d let her go afterwards). Maybe I’m just heartless. Or I just know that Rowena is going to be a lot more trouble in the future.

Wow, Bobby found the exit to his Heaven pretty fast! Hahaha, heaven looks…clean and organized lol. Haha balls!

Rowena is so crafty. I’d be suspicious of everything she did. Oh my god, don’t tell me Crowley’s going to believe that crap!! You what? Crowley should have secret surveillance on Rowena 24/7. Maybe he has gone soft…

Hahaha Bobby’s smart. Releasing a bunch of souls from their heavens to mask himself. And also causing a riot hahaha.

The Bobbys are surly? LOL

The gate is behind door 42??? HAHAHA Is that because 42 is the answer to life? Reference to Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Lol.

Awww, Crowley and Dean are sitting and chilling and talking.

Stupid Metatron. I’m so done with his crap. Just kill him bah! Hahaha smart move! Taking his grace lol! If the Mark is God-level magic and if Chuck is God….is Chuck the only one who can remove the Mark? Lol.

Ooo, Crowley is kicking his mother out~~~

He’s gonna have to be careful. Rowena has a mean streak. I wouldn’t have kicked her out. I would’ve kept her under lock and key where I can keep an eye on her. You let her free on the world, you’re asking for trouble.

Ooo, what’d Bobby give Sam…

Awww….such a sweet letter.

OH MY GOD what are the angels going to do to Bobby for breaking Metatron out of jail???

….best case scenario, they’ll throw him back on earth, alive.