- National Harbor Gaylord Resort and Convention Center
- Registration Line
- My Katsucon2015 Badge
So I went to the National Harbor on Thursday to go pick up my badge from pre-registration and, boy, am I glad I did! It was about an hour long wait, but when I came back on Friday, I heard that the wait was nearly 4-5 hours long! I have nooooooo idea why! I was just so glad I got my badge earlier. Lesson learned.
Also another lesson learned? Get a hotel room even if you only live like a thirty minute drive away. It was horrible having to get up every morning, drive, find parking, and then navigate the con. I like the idea of getting dressed up and just going downstairs, lol. Maybe I’m just lazy. But it’s also because I can’t cosplay at home and drive. I get too many questions and stares.
- Gotta have the sandshoes and sexy plushie
- Got the tie, got the sonic, good to go
- I got these great ears from Elven Caravan! Woo!
I did manage to dress up in some Doctor Who (10th Doctor) stuff for one day. I love my shoes and tie! And of course my sonic screwdriver! I did get fitted for hobbit ears at the merchant hall. it didn’t go with my Doctor Who clothes, but I didn’t care! I love my ears! My ears are small so it was just great having someone show me how to modify them and glue them on to fit correctly.
- Amaaazing Bumblebee costume!
- Dejavudea! Elsa Cosplay
- Anna and Elsa XD
- Thranduil and Legolas (peppermonster and rattle-and-burn)
- Tinkerbell!
- Mahouprince and Tooth Fairy
- Jinx (Emzie)
- Steampunk R2-D2
Of course, the cosplays are always great. I love to people watch. I have a somewhat nice DSLR camera so people always ask if I have a website or something. No, I’m not a photographer. Not even a wannabe. I just like taking pics with my DSLR.
(Cosplayers: Bumblebee/???, Elsa/Dejavudea, Anna/???, Thranduil/Rattle-and-Burn, Legolas/Peppermonster, Tinkerbell/???, Mahouprince, Tooth Fairy/???, Jinx/Emzie)
Okay, I’ll admit it. That monster looks really, really, really familiar to me, but I can’t remember from where!! LOL!!!
The Chalk Twins were there and it was my first time seeing them. It’s amazing what they can do with chalk. I never really work with chalk or pastels or charcoals much. Lol, probably because I don’t want to clean up afterwards.
I saw a bunch of Castiels when I was leaving XD Supernatural peeps! I can’t wait for the Salute to Supernatural convention in July XD
Anyways, Katsucon was great. I’m definitely going to get a room next time so I can enjoy it better!