I like to get these every now and then XD It’s like a mini Christmas lol.
This month’s theme is Fantasy so I just haaaad to reactivate my account. I love the fantasy genre. Although, I have to admit, I was really hoping that there wasn’t any Game of Thrones-related merch in it.
The first thing I noticed? The Princess Bride playing cards!!!! The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies/books! Haha! There are images of characters on every face card. It’s great. And I love the design on the back of the cards. I should go back and rewatch the movie or reread the book
The next thing is the Game of Thrones USB drive. I do like the design. It’s 4gbs and it looks like a head is stick out of my computer lol. Another GoT item was a pack of magnets. I really don’t know what to do with them because I’m not really into the series, but c’est la vie lol.
There’s also a Dungeons and Dragons themed bow tie and all I can say is, “Bow ties are cool.” Hahaha. I’ve always wanted a bow tie. I’ll try wearing it some time. Oh, also got an inflatable crown! I like it lol. I think I’ll try wearing it for my birthday (coming up on Star Wars Day, btw haha).
Last, but not least, the dragon ampersand shirt and a Harry Potter 9 3/4 bag tag :). I wish I had the bag tag when I went on my London trip, lol. I’m such a Potterhead hahaha.
Overall, a good crate. I’ll wait to see whether or not I want next month’s theme.