I haven’t blogged in a while……due to my lack of motivation, lmao. I actually do have a lot I need to blog about, but I’ve been in this weird funk lately where I’m too tired to even get out of bed. The urge to stay in bed and binge on Netflix has been too strong as of late! Hahaha.
Anyways, I loved HISHE (How It Should Have Ended). I want to try to get into animating like this in the future, but non-animators don’t realize how much is put into these things! The planning, the character parts, the lip-synching, the voices, the script, etc., etc.! Bah! I’m only one person lol. Good on him for his channel!
I love Part Two of this because it has all the references and in-jokes that I thought about when I watched Age of Ultron. I really don’t think Quicksilver is really dead. I’m not sure what to think about Civil War (actually, I’m not sure how I feel about this whole Secret Wars’ destruction of the Marvel Universe either). I think it was silly that Avengers kinda eradicated mutants from their universe…
These are all the pieces to my pretty simple hobbit cosplay.
This was such a beautiful dress! And it is SO well made. It was pretty costly, but it was well worth it. I commissioned it from Brielle from her website: http://briellecostumes.typepad.com/brielles-costume-wardrobe/
Pictures seriously do not do this dress justice. The colors are pretty and the fabrics are really nice quality.
The pipe I got from this store. It’s pretty simple, but I like it and it served it’s purpose. They have many other designs too at their store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MacQueenPipes
I used the hobbit ears that I bought from Katsucon. It’s so funny because I had seen their store on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheElvenCaravan) and had faved them, but hadn’t bought anything from them until I saw them at Katsucon, lol. I didn’t even recognize that it was the same store, silly me haha.
I got the flower crown from this store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Eterie
Another thing I had was my brown/green canvas backpack which I think goes with the LOTR theme and time period very well.
I wasn’t able to bring this cloak to HobbitCon in Germany because both the dress and the cloak would have taken up waaaaaaayyyy to much luggage space, but it’s still worth a mention because what’s a hobbit without his/her cloak? Lol. The fabric of this cloak is pretty thin, but I do like the color. Check it out from their Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CloaknDragon
As the time goes by, I’ll probably add some more stuff to my hobbit outfit. I definitely know I want to add a leather belt with a sheath so I can have a sword and maybe some potion bottles and leather pouches lol. Also, I want leather gloves. I have mixed emotions about either making invisible shoes or getting bigfoot feet though lol. Bigfoot feet like these from ThinkGeek.com:
I will also be contemplating on putting together a LOTR ranger woman outfit 🙂 or an elven cosplay. I just wish I was elegant enough to even pretend to be an elf lmfao.
I started playing LOTRO again. I haven’t in YEARS.
But I logged in and set up my account and everything!
We’ll see how this goes.
I know I loved playing World of Warcraft and LOTRO is kind of like it, except mostly free. Lol. I still think I like WoW more, but I do love Lord of the Rings. The thing I hate MOST about these kind of games is that there are SOOOOO MANY QUESTS!!! How do people keep track of it all? I think it’s because I like to get as many tasks off my table as soon as possible. But with the quest tracker, I guess you don’t have to worry about that? But what if I miss a quest somewhere, like a character hidden somewhere who needs my help? LOTRO is a big, big world. Very easy to get lost in lol.
The setting is GORGEOUS though. 🙂
Oh, and here’s something random. I was just walking around Bree, going into random doors and…
The Cat Lady’s House! I have noooooo idea if this is involved in a quest or something, but imagine my surprise when I walked into all this meowing and purring lol.
Anyways, hopefully, there’s more fun stuff in this game to come 🙂
I wrote the following post a way back in December — of course — and I had posted it on tumblr, but I wanted it on here too. So excuse the tenses, if you even decide to read it. I just wanted this post organized on this site. 🙂
Seriously. Don’t read until you’ve seen BOFTA.
I just saw it and had to blog about it, lol.
Alright, so I just came back from watching The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. And just whoa….
So much to say and/or think about.
The killing of Smaug was the opening scene. It didn’t last very long but it was good. Bard is a good man and leader to follow. The death scene of Smaug was very nicely animated. I loved the part where he turns his head up to the sky and you can see the mountain behind him.
Thranduil is just a mean, mean man, lol. He’s very interesting to watch and he’s a very beautiful elf…but he’s so mean haha. I do wonder about the details of his wife’s death. How did she end up in the Gundabad/Angmar area? How well did Legolas know his mother? He didn’t seem to have much memory of her.
Someone had proposed the idea of the necklace that Thranduil wanted so badly from Erebor was his wife’s. I liked that idea. In the movie, Thranduil just said that it was an important heirloom/artifact. It would’ve been nice to see like a flashback or something that connected it to his wife. Make Thranduil just a bit softer lol.
Ah, the romance between Tauriel and Kili. I like those two together. I didn’t at first, but it grew on me. But alas…it was not meant to be, was it?
It was so hard watching Thorin in his madness and paranoia. I just wish someone just had the nerve to get up and smack him right upside the head (lol, cue in Dis: In which Dis is fed up with…). Seriously, just wanted to shake him and be like “WAAAKKKEEE UPPPP IDIOT AND STOP HURTING THE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOUUUU”. Poor Dwalin and Balin TT____TT. Just give up some gold, darn you Oakenshield!!!
It was nice to see that Thorin trusted Bilbo so much though. Such a juxtaposition from the beginning dynamics in An Unexpected Journey. Hmm…I wonder if Thorin should’ve kept that mithril shirt. Could’ve saved him.
…Yes, Fili and Kili died. Knew to expect it, but I was still DISAPPOINTED. Not that they died! I knew they HAD to die, but it’s the WAY they died. It was sooo anticlimactic!!! I think they should have died in this huge ferocious, legendary battle with swords swinging. I thought they had died defending Thorin in the book — and yes, I know this is the movie and I shouldn’t compare it too much to the book to enjoy it, but still!! — I think dying in battle would have been a better death, especially for Fili. Wish I saw more of Fili in here, btw. Kili’s death was okay. Could have been better, but it’s passable.
I found better death scenes for the boys in fan art and vids:
Tauriel….I seriously thought she was going to die. Looking back, I think it would’ve made for a better movie if she did die. Kind of Romeo-and-Juliet-esque. Maybe they’d meet up in heaven even though elves and dwarves go to separate sort of “heavens”.
Speaking of which, I wish Tauriel and Galadriel had better fight scenes. Tauriel fought for only a bit and Galadriel only fought with magic or what not. Galadriel reminded me of the Grudge or the Ring when she was being all powerful and scary, by the way, lol. I just would’ve liked to see more kickass fighting scenes from the ellith.
The end credits was beautiful. I loved the song from Billy Boyd. It’s a must-watch video:
And I love the artwork from Alan Lee and John Howe. I’ve been wishing for their drawing abilities since LOTR, haha.
Other random stuff:
I wonder if Alfrid will ever get his comeuppances? Does anyone wonder if he’s like related to Wormtongue?
And what’d everyone think of the tie-in with Thranduil telling Legolas to find Strider? Lol. It’s like AHA! Aragorn, boom.
But why couldn’t Legolas return home anyways? Or did he not want to? (He did like a funny video game, running/jumping move during his fight with Bolg, btw, lol.)
Wouldn’t Aragorn only be like ten years old????? And he’d be in Rivendell with his mum? He’s not even a ranger yet!!! (<– I know people say that the movie-verse timeline is different, but this addition just seems unnecessary)
Did Thranduil ever get that necklace from Erebor?
Did the dwarves retrieve Fili and Kili’s bodies?
Did Dain become king?
I saw the random and rare POC in the movie, did you? Lmfao.
What became of Tauriel? What became of all the characters we don’t hear about later from LOTR?
Where’s the Arkenstone?
Why weren’t those worm thingies in LOTR?
Why wasn’t there an epilogue? Sure, I know some of it from LOTR, but there’s still a lot of unknowns here!!
I remember seeing THIS in a behind the scenes video. What ISH DISH?
Will there be like an alternative ending in the extras? That’d be weird. What will be included in the DVD release, I wonder? I LOVE THOSE BEHIND THE SCENES STUFF. CAN’T WAIT!!!
And lastly…
Whale worms or Graboids (from Tremors) ??? LMFAO.
I seriously think they had inspiration from graboids for those whale worms or whatever they were, haha.
P.S. (Or just one more, itty bitty, last thought…)
There’s a lot of naysayers and people who say that the movies ruined the books. Okay, maybe they did. That’s your opinion. No need to ruin it for the people who actually enjoyed the movies. Besides, just think of the movies as separate entities from the books if they offend your perception of Tolkien’s stories so much. Just like how the Avengers or the X-Men movies were okay (I have reservations about the X-Men movies though, lmfao) even though they DEFINITELY didn’t go exactly by the comics. Even Prisoner of Azkaban was good even though it differed from the book.
Just let people enjoy the movies *shrug* Overall, I liked it 🙂
I know there have been many fan-edited revisions of the whole Hobbit Trilogy out, but I have yet to see one. I just haven’t had the time, but when I do, I’ll definitely post something 🙂
Here is a list of the conventions I’m going to go to this year:
I hadn’t been to an anime convention in a while so I chose this one. Hopefully, I’ll see great cosplay! I know one of my favorite cosplayers will be going, MangoSirene. Maybe I’ll get to take pictures of some good cosplayers. I’m going to bring my DSLR and test it out ^_^ . Oh, and I hope I get to buy some great artworks!!! My favorite parts of conventions are the vendors’ room, the artist alley, and the people-watching XD
This will be my big trip of the year and possibly of my life. I’ve never been to Europe before, but I planned for this to be my geek pilgrimage or something, haha. I only had time and money to go to Germany and England, but I’m going to try to see so much in just two weeks!!! Castles, beer halls, Hobbit Con, bicycle tours, The Making of Harry Potter London Studio, Dr. Who Experience, London National Gallery, and all the typical, touristy London sites.
Awesome Con
I loved this convention last year. Haha, probably because I was accidentally one of the first people to get into the Billie Piper panel. “Accidentally” because I saw this random line forming so I figured “why not”, hahaha. I also got to use the TARDIS photo booth! XD This convention has grown huge in about a year. It had about 7,000 attendees two years ago and last year there were 40,000 attendees. It was crazy! I have NO idea how many people will attend this year around.
Salute to Supernatural – 10th Anniversary
I love Supernatural, but I’ve never been to one of these Salute to Supernatural conventions because of their location. Hopefully, it’s fun. The cast seems crazy, but fun hahaha. I’ve gotta draw some artwork for this convention for autographs.
Anime USA
Last minute addition! I figure that since this was easy to get to, I’ll be going! Hopefully, it’ll be fun. I’ve never been to this one before 🙂
I’ll be posting pictures, tweets, igs, and etc. while I’m at the conventions themselves so be on the lookout for those, I suppose. I wanted to go to other conventions too, but sadly, I just don’t have all the time or money in the world. I hope I can go to them next year in 2016 though!
Calgary Expo This popped into my head and I thought “why not”. I’ve never been to Canada and the expo seems fun 😀 Will try next year.
Fantasy Con I wanted to go to this one so bad this year, but I’lll just have to try for it next year.
SD Comic Con I tried SOOOO FREAKIN’ HARD to get tickets to this!!! I actually had four different tickets or numbers or whatever to try to get into the online waiting room for the tickets, but alas, no luck!!! I was depressed for quite a bit….but I’m hoping my Europe trip will make up for it 😀
NY Comic Con I had been going to this convention every year, but unfortunately, this year, I can’t, lol. It was New York vs Europe and I chose Europe hahaha. But this is a great con to go to.
Otakon This was my first convention EVER (2008)! So I have some good memories. Unfortunately, the hotel cost just wasn’t worth it this year.
CTN Animation Expo I love this expo. I might actually try to make it since it’s at the end of the year and I might have enough money by then XD
Other cons that I might also think about for future attendance: VidCon and WonderCon.
In all honesty, I have not used WordPress blogs in about a year. I used to run a blog for Pottermore help, but got tired of waiting for more chapters to come out. However, I was really good at running and creating content for it, lol. So we’ll see how relearning all this WordPress stuff goes, haha.
The LOTR Parody from the Hillywood Show is about a month old. I saw it when it first came out and I loved it! I would seriously get chills just watching it! The music is a great adaptation to the Lord of the Rings music style. The voice actors were phenomenal! I love Brian Hull, one of the youtube voice actors that shared Samwise’s voice. Mix the voice acting, music, and Hilly’s acting and you can’t help but tear up a little bit!
Each scene is so well put together. You can recall every scene from the actual movie from the camera angles! I will never comprehend how these girls get funding for their parodies, but they are amazing! I’ve watched every parody of theirs so far and their behind the scenes videos. I recommend that everyone should do the same, haha.
Side note: When Hilly cried in the behind the scenes video, I cried. Aw, so sad!
I did download the parody song and I love singing it. I sang it on the Smule Sing app, but I’m sure people just think I’m nuts, haha!
I love this app, by the way, lol. I just enjoy singing! I’m no good at it, but it does wonders for my stress! 🙂