Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Trailer 2015

I didn’t get this teaser. Why is Batman so angry? Yeah, I understand that Superman shouldn’t be worshipped because he’s not god, but I wouldn’t be angry enough to want to hurt Superman until he’s done something horrible.

I guess I’ll just have to wait for more trailers to see.

Though that brings up a good point. I LOOOOVE watching trailers, but I’ve noticed that some trailers give waaaaay too much of the movie away. Case and point, the Avengers. A lot of the jokes and quips were already shown in trailers, teasers, and sneak peeks. If you’ve not careful, you might see too much and watching the movie for the first time might be a bit of a let down. Too many spoilers in the trailers nowadays.

I still love trailers though. I just gotta learn to be careful lol.

If you haven’t noticed….I love HISHE lol. BECAUSE I’M BATMAN!

Fantastic Four Trailer (2015)


Okay, I admit it. I get really thrown for a loop when they revamp old cartoons I used to watch as a kid. TMNT for example. I loved the 80s TMNT cartoon. I have the opening theme song on my iPod playing every now and then. And though I found their recent reincarnation in the movie theaters enjoyable, it was still a jarring experience.

Now, Fantastic Four I used to also watch in the 90s. This trailer confused me. Are Sue and Johnny still siblings? Why does everyone look like a teenager? Why was there no space shuttle? What’s Victor Doom’s origin story in this movie-verse? …..Too many questions….

…..*sigh* Okay, we’ll just have to wait and see this August, I guess 🙂

Psych – The Break-Up

Ah….the last episode of Psych.

Yeah, yeah, I know it ended last year. But I was waiting to watch the last episode with my best friend and we waited for Netflix to finally get the season 8.

Anyway, yes, the last episode of Psych………EPIC.

Gus has a new job with a new boss…the guy who played BUD from the Cosby Show! Lmfao. All those times everyone called Gus “Bud” lol. When Gus’ boss (Deon Richmond from the “Cosby Show” and “Sister, Sister”) walked into the scene, my friend thought it was Gus and I just couldn’t stop laughing and yelling, “It’s BUDDD, it’s BUDDDD!! From the Cosby Show!! Hahahaha!”

Brannigan seems well-suited in the SBPD, making Shawn a bit obsolete, but that’s okay because he wanted to move to San Francisco to be with Juliet anyways lol. Lol Gus’ scream when he dug up the body was classic! His screams and reactions around dead bodies are always so funny.

Aha, Billy Zane! He was also in this episode and I remember them talking about him so much in other seasons. I pointed him out right away, mwuahaha. I remember watching him as The Phantom when I was younger.

When I first saw Shawn talking to the camera, I thought it was a little weird, like Modern Family/The Office or something. But then I realized that he was making DVDs for everyone to say goodbye and I don’t know how I feel about goodbye DVDs lol. Just seems impersonal. Woody was hilarious, not knowing the difference between a web chat and a DVD. I thought Lassiter’s was so sweet! He didn’t even want to hear Shawn’s confession! Squeeee XD The Val Kilmer cameo was hilarious!!! They’ve always talked about him! It was so weird that he ended up being Dobson though lol.

The nod at Monk was funny. I really, really wished that there had been like a Monk/Psych crossover. I loved watching Monk! But I know Monk kinda ended around the time Psych started. Still would’ve been great lol.

…Who the hell steals the ring when a guy is trying to propose!??!! That is like beyond jackassery!!! What a horrible, horrible thing to do!!!

Anyhoo, great episode. I will miss Psych, but I will watch it every now and then on Netflix. Wonder what detective show I will find to fill the hole in my heart lol.

Disney’s “Frozen Fever” Short and Disney’s “Feast” Short


I don’t quite know what to think about this lmao.

On one hand, I’m excited enough to go see Cinderella, just to see the Frozen short lol. I mean, I love Cate Blanchett and Helena Bonham Carter. I just don’t know how I feel about rehashing old Disney movies all the time. If there’s nothing new to include into the tale, then it just gets old and stale, y’know?

Anyways, I do want to see this short. I just hope it’s good with a good story and not just a forced animated short that just capitalizes on Frozen’s popularity. I just hate it when studios milk things for all its worth. It ruins a good movie and fandom.

It’s supposed to be about Anna’s birthday celebration. I see Elsa with a green dress, which I’m not sure about because I love her in blue lol. But Anna’s color is green. Olaf seems hilarious. I know a lot of people didn’t like him, but I think we need Olaf and Sven around for comedic relief lol.

Hope it’s a good short.

Speaking of shorts, Disney’s Feast won an Oscar XD. Congrats to them!!

The doggie is SHHHOOOOO cute!

Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast Trailer

I know this movie is probably already out, but oh wells. I can’t watch it until it’s on Netflix lol.

I love Tinkerbell. I want to cosplay her one day lol. And I love Pixie Hollow. I used to play it when it was a game on the Disney website. Too bad they got rid of it. I really loved it.

Anyways, I love to watch these movies, even though their for kids. It’s just the world they made up is so fantastical. I love the artwork and concepts.

This movie seems to bring Fawn into the spotlight more which I find great since — even though I love Tinkerbell — I’ve always wanted to know more about all the other fairies. Hope it’s a good movie.

Supernatural – About A Boy (S10E12)

This was a pretty fun episode, which was good because the last two made me feel a bit to sad and/or bad lol.

So Dean has been holed up in the bunker for about a week looking for a cure for the mark, ranging from tattoo removal and scar removal research. I’m sorry, Dean, but I can’t help but laugh at that. The Mark of Cain is more than just a superficial mark on your skin. It’s something that affects your whole being…I presume, lol. But at least he’s looking into everything.

Dean as a young kid again and Sam’s reaction? Hilarious, haha. Puberty, hahaha.

That whole Hansel and Gretel tie-in was interesting. So Hansel ate his sister and thought it was a good idea to become a cannibal? I’d like to know more about that and what happened all those years ago. The Grand Coven will be interesting to see more about in upcoming episodes.

If you could be turned back into a kid and relive your life, would you? I’ve wondered about that for years. I kinda like my life though. Sure there’s things I would’ve/could’ve changed, but I don’t know if I would go though with it. What if I make things worse? ………I think I just have too many things in my life I would miss and I wouldn’t be able to risk losing, haha.

Best end scene ever hahahahaha.

“-Player’s gonna play, play, play, play, play. And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. I shake it off. I shake it off.”

Haha, Sam’s reaction.

Dean Shake It Off


Supernatural – There’s No Place Like Home (S10E11)

Yay, Charlie’s back! –Oh, no, Charlie, why the hell are you beating up that man?!! Ah!!

Lol, that’s my exact reaction to the beginning scene to the episode, haha. Of course, I’ve seen the preview so I could only speculate that maybe Charlie was possessed or something because why would Charlie go around beating up and torturing people?? Even when the boys caught wind of it and found out that she was going after the guy who caused her parents’ accident, I still thought she was possessed because Charlie never seemed to want revenge before.

And then came the WTF moment! A second Charlie just comes driving by!

After that, I felt like it kind of like mirroring Dean’s inner battle with the Mark of Cain. And that good Charlie and bad Charlie were like the classic angel and demon on the shoulders metaphor.

Seeing Dean beat up Charlie–even though it was”dark Charlie”– was pretty brutal and scary though. And you could see that on Dean’s face at the end when he kept looking down at his fist, knuckles covered in Charlie’s blood. Killing those random people in cold blood was bad–very bad–but beating up Charlie, a person he treated like a little sister, calling her “kiddo”, well that kinda just broke him didn’t it. Makes him wonder what he’ll do next. What’ll he do to Sam?

Poor Dean.

Sorry, I had to laugh at you while you ate healthy food and listened to self-help meditation tapes, lol.

Dumb Ways To Die

It’s a somewhat old game that I played maybe last year. The only reason I’m posting about it is because I LOVE the song, hahaha!

It’s so stupid to love such a song, but I think it’s so catchy!

They’ve updated the game too, so y’all should check it out. It’s a somewhat frustrating game, but I love the animation and the creativity put into it.

Digimon 15th Anniversary

Old news, but the kids from Digimon Adventure are back!!!!

I’ve always loved this first season more so than all the subsequent ones! I don’t know why the second season kids annoyed me so much, hahaha!

I’ve been trying to rewatch Digimon Adventures in the original Japanese (subbed) right now because you tend to miss out a lot on some details when you just watched the dubbed versions (i.e. “Sailor Moon” and “Cardcaptors/Cardcaptor Sakura”). I actually wrote a school paper on the difference between subbed and dubbed animes, lol, yes, apparently, I’m that much of a geek! Haha!

Now, I know there has always been animosity between which series was better, Pokemon or Digimon, but I think it’s all a matter of preference. If we were to pick apart both series, personally, I would choose Digimon over Pokemon. But that’s only because in Digimon, you usually only get one companion creature that you bond with. And in Pokemon, you’ve got to catch ’em all…and celebrate the art of pitting animals against each other in a big arena lol. Oh, and another thing that weirds me out about Pokemon is that I firmly believe that Ash should be as old as me now, but that dude is like immortal or something! Someone, pleassseee stake him or something, hahaha.

That being said though, I’ve loved both series since I was a child and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the this coming Digimon season.


The art style is different, so we’ll see how that plays out. I just hope the story is good because I’d hate it to be just a sucky storyline that was rushed just so that they could milk this fandom for all it’s worth :/

The Lord Of The Rings: Let it Go Parody by The Hillywood Show®

In all honesty, I have not used WordPress blogs in about a year. I used to run a blog for Pottermore help, but got tired of waiting for more chapters to come out. However, I was really good at running and creating content for it, lol. So we’ll see how relearning all this WordPress stuff goes, haha.

The LOTR Parody from the Hillywood Show is about a month old. I saw it when it first came out and I loved it! I would seriously get chills just watching it! The music is a great adaptation to the Lord of the Rings music style. The voice actors were phenomenal! I love Brian Hull, one of the youtube voice actors that shared Samwise’s voice. Mix the voice acting, music, and Hilly’s acting and you can’t help but tear up a little bit!

Each scene is so well put together. You can recall every scene from the actual movie from the camera angles! I will never comprehend how these girls get funding for their parodies, but they are amazing! I’ve watched every parody of theirs so far and their behind the scenes videos. I recommend that everyone should do the same, haha.

Side note: When Hilly cried in the behind the scenes video, I cried. Aw, so sad!

I did download the parody song and I love singing it. I sang it on the Smule Sing app, but I’m sure people just think I’m nuts, haha!

Smule_logo I love this app, by the way, lol. I just enjoy singing! I’m no good at it, but it does wonders for my stress! 🙂