Supernatural Reaction: Brother’s Keeper S10E23

So I’ve really been procrastinating about watching the season finale. I’ve just been scared! Plain and simple. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but it can’t be any good! I mean, how’s Sam doing? How’s Cas? How’s Crowley? Baaahhh!!!

So this is a first. The opening of this season finale is still opening up with the song Carry On My Wayward Son, however, it’s the Fan Fiction version. It’s a beautiful version of the song. I was just surprised they changed it lol.

Haha, never mind! There goes the good ol’ Kansas sound!

Cas and Sam have been working hard at trying to find Dean. Tension is high.

Dean is sleeping on a dirty carpeted floor haha. He looks like he’s had a rough couple days. “I’m good.” He says. I don’t think so, Dean sweetie….

Oh my god, there was a dead girl and Dean was looking at her. I thought he killed her hahaha. Dean is trying to work a case on his own? Some hunter named Rudy showed up and Dean is trying to usher him out of this case. The Winchesters’ outlook on life sure has changed since the old days. So much darker now.

Sam is trying to threaten Rowena into working out the spell to cure the Mark of Cain. I don’t think that will work well unless you have something to hold over her. ORRR I don’t see why they couldn’t ask the witch/hamster that Crowley has down in hell still.

Ooooo, Rowena wants to trade the spell for her freedom and the codex. Man, with Rowena free out in the world with the codex, she’d wreck havoc.

Dean is interviewing the parents of the victim and he’s antagonizing them hard. Damn, Dean….Some weird boy is in the background. He’s following Dean outside. It’s the victim’s brother giving Dean info. Okie.

Why is Dean working this case? Is he still trying to get the Mark off his mind? Or is he trying to do something good to try to offset the bad?

So the ingredients to get rid of the Mark: the first apple (or quince), the golden calf idol, and something Rowena loves.

Hm, Rowena was in love with a demon, right? Maybe she’ll have to kill her demon lover? Oskar? Who’s Oskar? Someone from Rowena’s past.

Sam is giving Cas Dean’s hair. Where’d he get Dean’s hair from? Lol. No, seriously, I want to know how and why Sam has a clump of Dean hair.

Oh, there does Dean killing a vamp. Rudy’s gonna die. Yup. Dean, rather than talking the vamp into releasing Rudy from being a hostage, let the vamp kill Rudy, a fellow hunter. I mean, at least he saved the girl….but he didn’t care at all that he got another human being killed…at all.

Not looking good there, Dean.

Dean sees Cas’ bloodied up face, Rudy’s dead face, and now he’s wrecking his hotel room. Dean is not a happy boy. He is in a really, really dark place.

Sam sees the aftermath of Dean’s “case”.

Cas summoned Crowley at the classic crossroads. Crowley wants Cas to beg him to help get ingredients to cure Dean. Haha.

Oh! Crowley agreed to get the ingredients! I wonder why….Crowley might have something up his sleeve.

Sam’s tracked down Dean’s hotel hideout when he saw the Impala in the parking lot. But Dean is nowhere to be seen. Why would he leave the Impala? Omigod, Dean left the Impala to Sam.

Dean’s off somewhere summoning something….Death probably. Lol, I saw the promo. And there’s Death! Death did mention once that he and God were about the same level right? Doesn’t that mean that Death would have the power to remove the mark?

Dean does not look amused with Death.

So Death CAN get rid of the Mark! But he won’t get rid of the Mark? ….why…..

The Darkness?? God and his angels beat back the darkness and so light could exist and so everything could exist. A horrible, amoral force that God locked away. Interesting… lore to add into the world of Supernatural.

So there always has to be someone who bears the Mark of Cain so that the Darkness would remain locked away. Death will take the Mark away from Dean if Dean would pass the Mark unto someone else. But Dean can’t bear to pass it onto someone else. At least, he still has that goodness in him.

Crowley’s back at the diner to talk to the fry cook guy!!! He’s telling the fry cook his life story for some reason.

Rowena loved a boy named Oskar whose family took her in centuries ago when she was hungry and alone after abandoning Crowley. She gave Oskar immortality and Oskar is now named Seth and he is the very fry cook with whom Crowley is talking to. Mind freak!

This episode is going to explode my mind.

Sam caught up to Dean….

And Dean just friggin’ told Sam that his only way out is Sam’s death.





Just WTF, y’all. O__O

GOSH DARN COMMERCIAL BREAK!!! I don’t need your ranch dressings or paper towels!!!!

So the logic is that Death can put Dean somewhere where he could never ever hurt another living being. But if Sam is alive, Sam would never stop finding a way to free Dean. So if Sam is dead, it ensures that Dean would always and forever remain in solitude.

Dean’s all for Sam dying.

This is weird.

This is very weird.

I don’t like how Dean is talking.

Sam and Dean are fighting now.

Wait, Sam is agreeing to this plan now????

Oh, god, Death is handing Dean the reaper. Oh, he’s going to kill Death, isn’t he!? Rather than killing Sam???

Oh, god, I don’t know what’s going to happen……

Dean’s telling Sam to close his eyes.

Aw, Sam is giving Dean their old family pictures to remember what it was like to be good after he’s killed Sam.

Death is telling Dean to kill Sam.

Dean is looking at the old pictures of little Dean, baby Sammy, and their mother.

Dean said to Sam, “Forgive me.”

Dean just killed Death!!!

Aw, crap!!! The Darkness is going to come, isn’t it! Death is dead!!!!! Isn’t it going to be pandemonium???? Chaos! Havoc!! Madness on Earth???

Rowena really loved Oskar?? It must be really killing Crowley to see Rowena love another child. Oh, damn! Rowena just jabbed Oskar in the throat and now she’s performing the spell!

Dean’s going to be rid of the Mark???

Oh, no!

He’s rid of the Mark!!!

That’s good, but the Darkness will be coming, won’t it??????

Oh, no, Rowena just sicked crazy Cas onto Crowley. And-cut scene.

Back to the boys. Lightning is hitting the ground everywhere. Dark shadowy smoke trails, like traveling demons, are bursting and swirling from the ground. It’s all gathering into one spot.

Dean and Sam are trying to escape via the Impala, but the baby is stuck in a ditch.

The Darkness is heading towards them like a tidal wave!!!

And cliffhanger right?

This is going to end in a cliffhanger, right?

AHA!! There it goes! It ends with the Impala being engulfed in the Darkness.






So what do you all think is going to happen in Season 11??? 😀

I heard Season 12 is likely as well. XD

Bye, Supernatural, see you in the fall XDDDDDD

In the meanwhile, Salute to Supernatural con for me in July heehee.