Supergirl Trailer

The first thing that surprised me about this show is that it’s going to be on CBS. I guess I was expecting it to be on the CW because the Flash and Green Arrow were on there as well, but okay. We’ll see how that goes.

That trailer was interesting. It kind of reminded me of Devil Wears Prada a bit because of Ally McBeal being a bitchy boss with an overworked, under-appreciated assistant. That is Ally McBeal, right? Haha. She looks really different.

I wonder what this Supergirl’s origin story is going to be. The only Supergirl experience I have is from the 80s movie and that movie scared little kid me, lol. In that one, Supergirl came from like a small, dark, isolated city somewhere or something. This TV show seems to have Kara escaping from Krypton in a similar fashion as Superman, albeit she’s a bit older.

Overall, this seems kinda like a chick flicky TV series. I’d love to try to watch it, if I had a TV. And the trailer did make it seem like it had a good storyline. I think it will just come down to the writing and whether or not, the actress can play a good Supergirl.

Oh, and I’ve already seen so many comments about how flat-chested she is. Well, humongous, Powergirl boobs aren’t exactly realistically, aerodynamic, are they? Lmao. Grow up.