Supernatural Reactions: Angel Heart S10E20

Claire Novak is baaaaack.

Jimmy Novak? Is he back?

This is weird…..what’s going on. A flashback? Ew, what’s the black gunk? Where the hell is Amelia Novak and why is some guy cutting into her and why is glowing stuff coming out of her arm??? Are people trying to use her to find Cas? Maybe she has some leftover grace in her body?

And there’s Claire Novak in another dive bar.

Why is she looking for a Ronnie Cartwright? I know that actor from somewhere. Amelia was looking for a miracle worker to find Cas/Jimmy Novak??

Ooo, that guy slipped up and said “Amelia Novak”. Claire never mentioned Amelia’s last name and he said it! Guh, he just knocked out Claire.

At least, he called an ambulance for her.

Oh, there’s Cas. Is he Claire’s emergency contact?

Does Claire really think that if she told them that she was looking for her mom that they’d leave her alone? Haha, of course, Claire ran away. They should’ve kept an eye on her.

Dean and Cas found Ronnie and Dean is making him talk, lol. Amelia was the last one? Last what? That’s creepy.

What is this Peter Holloway doing, cutting into people? What is he? Aw, they left Ronnie there, now he’s going to warn the Peter Holloway guy.

Oh, now, there goes Claire with her runaway, tough girl act, lol.

Haha, she followed her mom’s diary to find her like the boys followed their father’s diary to find find him. Hahahaha.

Is Ronnie waiting for Peter Holloway? Is he going to die? Ronnie’s gonna die……Yup, he died. The Peter Holloway guy killed him.

Hahaha! Cas got Claire a Grumpy Cat plush as a birthday present from Hot Topic(al), lmao.

Haha, Cas is grounding Claire and Dean in the hotel room, lol.

Hm, where is Dean and Claire going? Hahaha! Mini-golf??? Lol, Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore references.

What is the relation between mini-golf and the red marks on Ronnie’s back….

Ooooo, angel sword. Who has an angel sword? What’s a watcher angel? Why so many different kinds of angels, lol.

I knew it! Why did Sam try to answer a phone call while he’s trying to sneak around a dark house?? You’d have to put down your guard when you answer a phone. Amateur mistake, Sammy! Lol.

Ooo, Dean gave Claire a gun and he’s taking her to Holloway barn. How’s that going to work out…

Huh, why can’t Cas heal Amelia’s cuts? Are they special cuts?

What’s that watcher angel going to do to Sam? His name is Tamiel. So this Tamiel guy feeds off the souls of humans for some reason. When angels are supposed to protect humans….okay, so Tamiel is a rogue angel.

Why do I have a feeling that Amelia is going to die?

Ooo, did Tamiel take Sam somewhere?

How did Sam escape his chair?

Tamiel is going after Claire and Amelia?

I KNEW IT! I knew Amelia would die for Claire! I KNEW Claire was going to get in some sort of danger and Amelia, being a mother, would protect her!

Is Amelia going to rejoin Jimmy in Heaven??? AHHHHHH!!!!

So sad though!

Sam is sending Claire to Jody?

Aw, Dean got Claire Caddyshack and an Enochian book. Is Claire going to after angels now with the angel sword? She should hook up with the other teen hunters.