Psych – The Break-Up

Ah….the last episode of Psych.

Yeah, yeah, I know it ended last year. But I was waiting to watch the last episode with my best friend and we waited for Netflix to finally get the season 8.

Anyway, yes, the last episode of Psych………EPIC.

Gus has a new job with a new boss…the guy who played BUD from the Cosby Show! Lmfao. All those times everyone called Gus “Bud” lol. When Gus’ boss (Deon Richmond from the “Cosby Show” and “Sister, Sister”) walked into the scene, my friend thought it was Gus and I just couldn’t stop laughing and yelling, “It’s BUDDD, it’s BUDDDD!! From the Cosby Show!! Hahahaha!”

Brannigan seems well-suited in the SBPD, making Shawn a bit obsolete, but that’s okay because he wanted to move to San Francisco to be with Juliet anyways lol. Lol Gus’ scream when he dug up the body was classic! His screams and reactions around dead bodies are always so funny.

Aha, Billy Zane! He was also in this episode and I remember them talking about him so much in other seasons. I pointed him out right away, mwuahaha. I remember watching him as The Phantom when I was younger.

When I first saw Shawn talking to the camera, I thought it was a little weird, like Modern Family/The Office or something. But then I realized that he was making DVDs for everyone to say goodbye and I don’t know how I feel about goodbye DVDs lol. Just seems impersonal. Woody was hilarious, not knowing the difference between a web chat and a DVD. I thought Lassiter’s was so sweet! He didn’t even want to hear Shawn’s confession! Squeeee XD The Val Kilmer cameo was hilarious!!! They’ve always talked about him! It was so weird that he ended up being Dobson though lol.

The nod at Monk was funny. I really, really wished that there had been like a Monk/Psych crossover. I loved watching Monk! But I know Monk kinda ended around the time Psych started. Still would’ve been great lol.

…Who the hell steals the ring when a guy is trying to propose!??!! That is like beyond jackassery!!! What a horrible, horrible thing to do!!!

Anyhoo, great episode. I will miss Psych, but I will watch it every now and then on Netflix. Wonder what detective show I will find to fill the hole in my heart lol.