Supernatural Parody by The Hillywood Show®




The Hillywood Supernatural Parody finally came out today. I was hoping that it would’ve come out when I was at home and not a work, but I watched it nonetheless. I was not disappointed. Confused–because I’ve never actually watched Taylor Swift’s music video before–but not disappointed AT ALL.

Literally, just yesterday I was telling my best friend that I was putting out a prediction that the Hillywood Show would use Shake It Off for the video! I almost screamed when I heard the beginning notes hahaha. It was interesting having a male singer sing the song instead. If they were going to go in that direction, they could’ve found like an edgier, more rock sounding composition of Shake It Off to match with the show’s overall 80s rock sound.

I did watch this in an office, so that prevented me from screaming my head off like a little girl. But my jaw literally dropped lower and lower every time I saw people I recognized during the latter part of the video. I mean, I feel like the girls just went to one of the Salute to Supernatural cons and asked if the guests would like to get involved in the video and dance around a bit to Shake It Off for the fans lol. There was Richard Speight, Jr.,  Tahmoh Penikett, Travis Wade, Matt Cohen, Samantha Smith, Mark Pellegrino, Misha Collins, Sebastian Roche, Timothy Omundson, Tyler Johnston, and others. It was like a Salute to Supernatural guest lineup lol.

Then, of course, there was Osric and Rob in the actual parody. Osric played Sam and Rob played Cain. Osric was hilarious! Osric has his hair looking like Jared’s pretty well, lol. Rob with his flowing Cain hair was great too haha. Hilly played Dean and Hannah was Cas XD

I also loved that the girls included Jensen’s Eye of the Tiger blooper scene and his gym teacher outfit. I like how they incorporated a lot of what the Supernatural fandom found funny into the video. I know you can’t put everything in it–lord knows the Supernatural fandom has millions of inside jokes–but for a short parody, it had a lot of content! I’ve only watched the video once so far, so I couldn’t catch everything, but I’ll watch more once I get home. AAAaannnddd I want to watch Hilly’s diary video and the behind-the-scene video. I loooove those as well.

I can’t help wonder where Mark Sheppard was though 🙁

And I would’ve like to see Kim Rhodes, Alaina Huffman, Felicia Day, and Briana Buckmaster…

…wow, the SPN Family is pretty big, ain’t it? Lol.

The Lord Of The Rings: Let it Go Parody by The Hillywood Show®

In all honesty, I have not used WordPress blogs in about a year. I used to run a blog for Pottermore help, but got tired of waiting for more chapters to come out. However, I was really good at running and creating content for it, lol. So we’ll see how relearning all this WordPress stuff goes, haha.

The LOTR Parody from the Hillywood Show is about a month old. I saw it when it first came out and I loved it! I would seriously get chills just watching it! The music is a great adaptation to the Lord of the Rings music style. The voice actors were phenomenal! I love Brian Hull, one of the youtube voice actors that shared Samwise’s voice. Mix the voice acting, music, and Hilly’s acting and you can’t help but tear up a little bit!

Each scene is so well put together. You can recall every scene from the actual movie from the camera angles! I will never comprehend how these girls get funding for their parodies, but they are amazing! I’ve watched every parody of theirs so far and their behind the scenes videos. I recommend that everyone should do the same, haha.

Side note: When Hilly cried in the behind the scenes video, I cried. Aw, so sad!

I did download the parody song and I love singing it. I sang it on the Smule Sing app, but I’m sure people just think I’m nuts, haha!

Smule_logo I love this app, by the way, lol. I just enjoy singing! I’m no good at it, but it does wonders for my stress! 🙂