Supernatural Reactions: The Werther Project S10E19

First thing, the title keeps reminding me of the caramel candy (Werthers’ Originals), LMAO.

Oh, dear, Rowena….and Purgatory is coming back. Is Benny coming back? Is that weird Men of Letters deserter Cuthbert Sinclair guy coming back? What will Rowena want in return for helping Sam? AND WHY IS SAM STILL KEEPING THINGS FROM DEAN!!!

What year is this?? Oh, 1973. Why I wonder…

Hey, I have that episode of Looney Tunes that’s playing on the TV. I love Looney Tunes.

The girl is going down to the basement to do laundry. Is something creepy going to go on down there? Why is she breaking down the wall…..Why is there a room that looks deserted? They must’ve known it was there. There’s a window for goodness’ sake. Ooo, it’s a Men of Letters symbol. Glowing smoke light is escaping the chamber…..I don’t think that’s a good sign. The girl is waking up now….Uh oh, can’t find Mom. Something’s wrong……Okkkkaaaayyyyyy, everyone just killed themselves.

Rowena wants to kill Crowley. Sam is agreeing to kill Crowley.

So Rowena’s been after a witch codex in the bunker? Hm.

Don’t trust her, Sam. Dooon’t……These people have an issue between knowing whom to trust and whom not to. Tsk, tsk…

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve seen them kill vamps. That’s nice lol. Dean just took out a whole vamp nest by himself.

Sam’s burning the midnight oil to find the codex. Again, behind Dean’s back. Ooo, old audio tapes from the Men of Letters. HEY!!! The Cuthbert Sinclair guy!! So they keep evil things in the Werther box? I don’t like this Sinclair guy. He finds people’s lives expendable. Martinez was on the right track to shut down the box? By killing himself? Ooo, Sam has an idea? He’s calling up Rowena?? Haha.

Does that girl from the 70s still live in that old house? Yup, she does lmao. I’d do that too if I saw some guy trying to break into my house LOL

Ooo, wonder how Dean knew to come there to St. Louis.

Hahaha Dean covered his junk lol. Dwight Twilley? Where’d he get that name from? Even if a guy claimed to be part of the neighborhood watch, I still wouldn’t let him into my house!

No one goes into the basement? Welp, Sam just did, lol.

So I’m guessing when Suzie’s aunt died, Suzie managed to put the thing back into the box, but now Sam’s reopened it.

Oh crap, Suzie and Dean got engulfed by the thing in the Werther box. Now Suzie sees the ghosts of her family. Why…

Does Dean see hellhounds? Oh, no, he sees Purgatory!!!!

Suzie killed herself and now Sam sees Suzie degrading him for all he’s done. Is she a vengeful ghost or is she a vision from the box?

Haha, Rowena!

So Dean sees Purgatory. Will Benny be there?

HAHA!!! Benny!!! I wonder how well Benny is doing down in the real Purgatory.

You know, the Winchesters should really find a witch who is good enough to bring onto their side. It looks like witches can come in handy.

Benny claims that Purgatory is Dean’s happy place. I don’t think so. The Werther box wouldn’t show Dean his happy place. Don’t listen to that Benny, Dean! He ain’t the really Benny. He’s trying to get you to kill yourself, Dean!!! Don’t listen to him!!!

….though I don’t want it to happen, fake Benny brings up a good point. Dean killing himself, I mean…..But I don’t want to see Dean dieeeeeee D:

Aw, Dean killed fake Benny. Will he go back and find Sam and Rowena???

OH, WOW! Rowena was an illusion!?

So it took both Sam’s blood and Dean’s to open the Werther box.

It opened….What’s inside…..

Another book made of skin?? Honestly! People and their skin books, lol.

Listen to Dean, Sam!!! You’re stronger together than apart!!! Tell Dean, Sam!!! Tell him!!!

HAHA! Sam got witchproof shackles for Rowena! Lol. It’s just like what Crowley did to Kevin! Looking their respective translators up to read a tablet/book.

Do you think that Cuthbert Sinclair guy is really dead? Maybe he’s still alive somewhere. After all, he was pretty good with the magic stuff lol.