Supergirl Trailer

The first thing that surprised me about this show is that it’s going to be on CBS. I guess I was expecting it to be on the CW because the Flash and Green Arrow were on there as well, but okay. We’ll see how that goes.

That trailer was interesting. It kind of reminded me of Devil Wears Prada a bit because of Ally McBeal being a bitchy boss with an overworked, under-appreciated assistant. That is Ally McBeal, right? Haha. She looks really different.

I wonder what this Supergirl’s origin story is going to be. The only Supergirl experience I have is from the 80s movie and that movie scared little kid me, lol. In that one, Supergirl came from like a small, dark, isolated city somewhere or something. This TV show seems to have Kara escaping from Krypton in a similar fashion as Superman, albeit she’s a bit older.

Overall, this seems kinda like a chick flicky TV series. I’d love to try to watch it, if I had a TV. And the trailer did make it seem like it had a good storyline. I think it will just come down to the writing and whether or not, the actress can play a good Supergirl.

Oh, and I’ve already seen so many comments about how flat-chested she is. Well, humongous, Powergirl boobs aren’t exactly realistically, aerodynamic, are they? Lmao. Grow up.

Supernatural – About A Boy (S10E12)

This was a pretty fun episode, which was good because the last two made me feel a bit to sad and/or bad lol.

So Dean has been holed up in the bunker for about a week looking for a cure for the mark, ranging from tattoo removal and scar removal research. I’m sorry, Dean, but I can’t help but laugh at that. The Mark of Cain is more than just a superficial mark on your skin. It’s something that affects your whole being…I presume, lol. But at least he’s looking into everything.

Dean as a young kid again and Sam’s reaction? Hilarious, haha. Puberty, hahaha.

That whole Hansel and Gretel tie-in was interesting. So Hansel ate his sister and thought it was a good idea to become a cannibal? I’d like to know more about that and what happened all those years ago. The Grand Coven will be interesting to see more about in upcoming episodes.

If you could be turned back into a kid and relive your life, would you? I’ve wondered about that for years. I kinda like my life though. Sure there’s things I would’ve/could’ve changed, but I don’t know if I would go though with it. What if I make things worse? ………I think I just have too many things in my life I would miss and I wouldn’t be able to risk losing, haha.

Best end scene ever hahahahaha.

“-Player’s gonna play, play, play, play, play. And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. I shake it off. I shake it off.”

Haha, Sam’s reaction.

Dean Shake It Off


Supernatural – There’s No Place Like Home (S10E11)

Yay, Charlie’s back! –Oh, no, Charlie, why the hell are you beating up that man?!! Ah!!

Lol, that’s my exact reaction to the beginning scene to the episode, haha. Of course, I’ve seen the preview so I could only speculate that maybe Charlie was possessed or something because why would Charlie go around beating up and torturing people?? Even when the boys caught wind of it and found out that she was going after the guy who caused her parents’ accident, I still thought she was possessed because Charlie never seemed to want revenge before.

And then came the WTF moment! A second Charlie just comes driving by!

After that, I felt like it kind of like mirroring Dean’s inner battle with the Mark of Cain. And that good Charlie and bad Charlie were like the classic angel and demon on the shoulders metaphor.

Seeing Dean beat up Charlie–even though it was”dark Charlie”– was pretty brutal and scary though. And you could see that on Dean’s face at the end when he kept looking down at his fist, knuckles covered in Charlie’s blood. Killing those random people in cold blood was bad–very bad–but beating up Charlie, a person he treated like a little sister, calling her “kiddo”, well that kinda just broke him didn’t it. Makes him wonder what he’ll do next. What’ll he do to Sam?

Poor Dean.

Sorry, I had to laugh at you while you ate healthy food and listened to self-help meditation tapes, lol.

Supernatural – The Hunter Games (S10E10)

Okay, I admit it.

I was too scared to start watching Supernatural again after the mid-season finale, lmfao.

I don’t know what it is, but evil Dean scares the crap out of me!! You would think like maybe I’d be more scared of one of the many monsters they’ve had over the last nine seasons, but noooooooo. Evil Dean scares me. Lol. Well, I suppose if you have to try to fit some logic into it, it’s probably because Dean — though flawed in many ways — has always been the protective, older brother, savior figure. He’s supposed to help and protect and make things right in the end, some way, some how. He’s not suppose to be some sort of mindless killing machine O_O Seriously, that episode where he chased Sam through the halls like some sort of Shining-remake (I could’ve sworn that when Dean tore that door, he’d say “Heeeeere’s Dean!” or something lol) is one of the scariest moments in Supernatural for me.

Anyway, back to this episode that I finally worked up the nerve to watch.

Throughout this whole episode, I kept mentally shouting “Where’s Cain?? Ask Cain!!”. I mean, why bother with Metatron. He’s a douche and will only trick ya’ll into releasing him somehow. I guess it’s also because I wanna see Timothy Omundson again lol, but still!

I can’t believe Crowley is falling for his mother’s tricks. I seriously can’t believe it. I mean, he knows her and he knows how she is. How can he fall for her fake concern so easily??? Just listening to her suck up to him sounds so fake (I do love the actress who plays her though)! I guess he just has some really serious mummy issues. Poor Crowley.

And on the daddy issue front is Claire, of course. I really hope things get better for her. It kinda surprises me that for someone who’s been around quite a few shady people, she sure doesn’t know how to identify shady people, lol.

Okie, time for the next episode. Excited to see Felicia Day again lol.